Site icon Insights and Ramblings of melody

Sorry from melody

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Over the past week, this blog has been sick.  Actually it’s been sick for a while and my attempts to fix it in the last few days have seen quite a lot of various spam type notifications being emitted, making it look suspiciously compromised.

Thank you to those who got in touch worried that the site might have been compromised, that was very much appreciated.

I can assure you good folks that it had not been hacked, it was me being incompetent.

Father Jack – I’m so sorry


The theme I was using was not very mobile friendly.  I got away with it because of the JetPack mobile plugin.  This is being retired because modern themes should provide mobile support.

The long and short is that I’ve had to find alternate themes and installing new themes has been the culprit.  When they install their demo content, they create new pages and this triggers Twitter and email notifications.

I thought I’d disabled notifications when I tried yet another theme.  However, it had only disabled Twitter and not email.  Once again, apologies to anyone who’s inbox got spammed.

As things stand, the site is up, migrated to a new and clean theme and best of all it is mobile friendly.

Considering I’ve spent 35 years working deeply with computers, it is a tad embarrassing.  I can tell you what the hardware does and I can tell you what the operating system does to talk to the hardware and I can tell you how most of the protocols work.  Yet, the last time I actually wrote user interface stuff we all still worked in ASCII.  GUI and by extension, Web, leaves me cold.

I’m also a typical engineer in that documentation is a last resort.

If anyone wants to explore the refreshed site and finds something not right, please let me know.

Thanks, melody xx 🌹🌹


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