Now That Was A Surprise

Reading Time: 2 minutes


AI picture filters such as FaceApp were something I didn’t take much notice of until the other day when I saw the transformations of some people I sort of know.  What was intriguing was that you could see the actual person in the different pictures, even with the gender filters.  That gave me the impetus to go have a look for a bit of fun.

As artificial as they are, the results are quite surprising.  I can still see the me that looks back from the mirror.  Yet, for the first time I can also see why people have told me that I’m closer to being passable than I dare to let myself believe.

I think that one aspect of playing around with these filters is that with some further thought I can reach out to a makeover artist to find out how close I can get to consistently recreating some of these looks for everyday interactions.

The header picture is scary in its own way because the hair style and colour are close to what my hair actually looks like.  The filter has just cleaned it up a bit and got rid of the frizz.


Playing with colours, styles and hues has been fascinating.

Yes, that really is me and I’m quite shocked at the extent of the transformation without actually losing the original.

This has been fun and has provided an unexpected bonus to suggest some of my goals and dreams are not as unrealistic as they often seem.